Day 7: It Ends In Fire


Welcome, one and all, to the final day of CUSTOM WEEK! I’ll be showing one of my OWN CREATIONS a’ukoGSFH(SF&PG&WIOY*OSDU*TS:AFI:GUI:ASG&IAU

Sorry. I’m seeing my doctor in a week.

Anyway, it’s a bionicle. (Surprise) He’s my first ever attempt at a MOC titan. Without further ado, here is…



Here he is. My first MOC titan. Inspiration struck when I replaced Onewa’s limbs with Axonn’s. (Note: This WOULD be Onewa, but I have many red parts and not many brown ones.) So anyway, I got the parts, experimented, and voila! Here are some other reasons I like my first titan MOC.

Vakama showing off.

Vakama showing off.

I made sure that it all worked fine (believe it or not, the arms and weapon took about 1 hour to get right. —->

The Arm Mechanic

The Arm Mechanic

And I made sure to make the feet unique.

One foot's black due to not having enough pieces

One foot’s black due to not having enough pieces

I completely abandoned the disc shooter and replaced it with a scythe. (It looks much better)

The Weapon

The Weapon

Height Comparison

Height Comparison

<—He’s definitely taller than normal toa metru.

And finally, he has spheres in his arms that allow you to pose them! Gnarly!

(Yes, I just used the word gnarly in a sentence. Sorry if I’m 2cool4u.)

For a first try, I think he’s pretty good. But he does have his flaws. For example, his right arm is alway’s falling off, and the blade of his weapon doesn’t stay in place. But other than that, I really like this guy!



*Gasp*.... 1 .... *Wheeze*

*Gasp*…. 1 …. *Wheeze*

Well, I hope you enjoyed Custom Week! I know I did. Well, See you next time!!!

Day 3: The Big Red Behemoth

Welcome all to day 3! I’m in a bit of a rush, so this won’t be a long post. (Well, none of them are really uber long.)  Well, without further ado, here is the gargantuan biomech, EZIREK!

Credit to ToaOrkahm for making this awesome MOC! (My Own Creation.) Also, check the decription of the video for details on stats, story etc.

Well, I’m afraid that’s all for today. Tomorrow, I’ll DEFINITELY be showing something of my own. And as always: Stay Tuned!

P.S: I apologize for the really bad metal music in the background. Mute it if you want. Also, I started at 0:38 because that’s when the pictures of the bionicle itself.

Day 2: With more bricks comes Mordor.

If you like Lord of the Rings and like LEGO, you’ll LOVE this. The great, mighty…



Yup. I couldn’t believe it was at first either. It’s quite amazing. He got it down to every exact detail.

Look at all the detail put into it!

Look at all the detail put into it!

Over 50,000 blocks are in this work of art. That’ll keep the hobbit out!

And if all that wasn’t enough, it’s extremely tall.

I'd say that model is about 6 feet tall. what about you?

I’d say that model is about 6 feet tall. what about you?

Look at it compared to the creator! ——>

Anyway, That wraps up day 2! I might put in my own piece of work tomorrow or the day after. Remember to stay tuned for more LEGO shenanigans!

MEGA APOLOGIES + Announcement

Hey, internet. I havn’t been posting for a while now. You wanna know why? You know what happened after my last apology note?

My computer broke.

But, now it’s fixed, and I have inspiration for next week. Get this: CUSTOM WEEK! I’m gonna only post custom stuff. Most of it will be off the internet, but in the later days of the week I’ll post two or three of my custom stuff. Why next week? Well one thing is I missed Monday. And two… I’m going on a three day trip tommorrow. But on the bright side, IM BACK!

Bionicle Bloodbath!

My brother and I decided to put some of my Bionicle on my bed and make them fight a huge, free for all, fight to the death battle. The only rule was if their head comes off, they are DEAD. so the can be a torso with no armour whatsoever, but have a head, they’re alive. Now, here are the gladiators:

The Gladiators from Afar.

The Gladiators from Afar.


(From Left to Right) Toa Matau (aka Brent) HF Voltix (aka The Proffesor)

Axonn (aka Frank) Toa Onewa (aka Samuel)

Axonn (aka Frank) Toa Onewa (aka Samuel)

HF Toxic Reapa (aka Gordon) Toa Vakama (aka Trevor)

HF Toxic Reapa (aka Gordon) Toa Vakama (aka Trevor)

Tormented Training Dummy (aka King FrostTooth) TurGuurahk (aka Christmas Raptor)

Tormented Training Dummy (aka King FrostTooth) LeraTurahk (aka Christmas Raptor)

Now that you’ve met the fighters, its time to see THE AFTERMATH:

Full Aftermath

Full Aftermath

Zoom In 1

Zoom In 1

Zoom In 2

Zoom In 2

And the winner:

Toa Matau! (Brent)

Toa Matau! (Brent)

After a bloody and well fought battle, Toa Matau (Brent) came out on top. Missing his arms, but still a brave hearted warrior.

Ranking list:

  1. Toa Matau (Brent)
  2. Axonn (Frank)
  3. Tormented Training Dummy (King FrostTooth)
  4. TurGuurahk (Christmas Raptor)
  5. Voltix (The Professor)
  6. Toa Vakama (Trevor)
  7. Toxic Reapa (Gordon)
  8. Toa Onewa (Samuel)

Well, thats that. Stay tuned for more LEGO shenanigans.