MEGA APOLOGIES + Announcement

Hey, internet. I havn’t been posting for a while now. You wanna know why? You know what happened after my last apology note?

My computer broke.

But, now it’s fixed, and I have inspiration for next week. Get this: CUSTOM WEEK! I’m gonna only post custom stuff. Most of it will be off the internet, but in the later days of the week I’ll post two or three of my custom stuff. Why next week? Well one thing is I missed Monday. And two… I’m going on a three day trip tommorrow. But on the bright side, IM BACK!

Cool Video: How to make lego SMB stuff/Apology Note

Hey, everyone. Im posting to say that I’m sorry for not posting lately. I’ve either been doing school work, playing with my siblings or just plain forgetting to post. I’ve been meaning to post for a while now and I’ll try to make up for it. Now that that’s cleared up, ITS TIME FOR THE VIDEO! OMG!

Here’s a cool interactive video showing you how to make many things from the classic Super Mario Bros. Just click on one and BAM! video tutorial. (Note, you must be on the YouTube website for it to work.)

Man, he really got EVERYTHING! I wish I could make something out of this vid! Well, tune in… very soon…

LEGO Review- Vezon and Kardas

Well, I’m not putting it off any longer. Here is the the review of THE GREAT…



Yup, the final review in this box set. Well, if you dont know, here’s how I do my reviews. I write the pros, then cons, my thoughts and a final rating.

No review?! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww...

No review?! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww…

Now, since I already wrote a review on Vezon back two weeks ago, I’m not reviewing him again. I’ll just say his only differences are his spear and he has a shield. There, Enough said. NOW… on to the good part! THE ACTUAL REVIEW!

See the three silver things on his neck? Botar comes up to the third one.

See the three silver things on his neck? Botar comes up to the third one.


  • ULTRA TALL <—-
  • Great dragon design
  • Fully poseable tail
  • 6 poseable toes
  • Great body design
  • Although his arms are quite short, it fits with his character.
  • Awesome Wings
  • Poseable neck
  • Fenrakk Head (one of the best poseable mouths i’ve seen.


  • Lower legs are a little short for my liking

    His Pieces

    His Pieces

  • Can’t make wings flap (well, not as easily as Ultimate Dumes…)
  • Instructions are a wee bit confusing
  • His head has trouble balancing when his neck is all the way up
  • Nowhere for Vezon to attach to.

My Thoughts:

This guy. Just. This guy… wow. He’s ultra tall (the tallest Bionicle, in fact) he has super posability, he’s one of the most balanced giant bionicles I own and for looks… I mean… just look at him. Look at him.

LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!!

LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!!

Now, I did mention his lower legs are quite short, but if they were to be made longer, but it made him look less awesome, I would pick smaller legs. One thing that might throw you off, in the story, Kardas lost pretty much every single battle he fought. (Maybe because he’s a mutated mutant spider?) But, forget the story. This guys gonna be a killing MACHINE!!!

"Good Kardas. Nice devastating monster. Are you my favourite engine of destruction? Yes you are." -Vezon

“Good Kardas. Nice devastating monster. Are you my favourite engine of destruction? Yes you are.” -Vezon


I know I said I didn’t like these, but I like this guy SO much, I think I’ll dare to say… I rate him 5/5 stars. The look, the consept, the pose, the balance, the companion, IT ALL SCREAMS “YES!!” In fact, I recommend the whole limited edition box set of Kardas. I had lots of fun with every set in it, and I’m gonna keep this guy built for a while. Plus, almost every set in there is a good challenge. Anyone who’s looking to buy this set, and are looking for advice, I say BE MY GUEST! You won’t regret it!

Is there something breathing on me?

Is there something breathing on me?

Well, that’s that! Join me next time when I review… uh… something. I’ve got a few normal LEGO sets that remain unbuilt. So STAY TUNED FOR NEXT TIME!!



NO REAL THAN YOU ARE: The Giant LEGO Man Mystery

You may have heard about the constant sightings of the giant LEGO minifigures washing up on the shore. Well if you don’t know about it, i’ll fill you in on it. This is the NO REAL THAN YOU ARE mystery!

The minifigure thats washed ashore in Florida

The minifigure thats washed ashore in Florida.

First things first, this minifigure is NOT mini. It’s 100 pounds and 8 feet tall. I might as well call it a GIGAFIGURE! So far, three of these guys have washed ashore. One in Florida, (above) one in Holland in 2007 and the last one was found in England in 2008. No other fiberglass figure have been seen… yet…

(Zandvoort is a coastal resort in Holland) If you havn’t noticed, on his chest in big, white writing, it reads “NO REAL THAN YOU ARE” Also, on his back it reads “EGO LEONARD 8” This is possibly the minifigures name.

The possible name of this minifigure. The one in Holland has a 9 on it. Strange.

The possible name of this minifigure. The one in Holland has a 9 on it. Strange.

So, we know that this figure has a name, it’s been located in three different spots across the world and what it’s made of. But it’s origins are unknown. Maybe it’s a practical joke set up by some guy that’s gone way out of hand. (Rumors are going around that Ego Leonard is the name of the artist) Maybe It’s some sort of message from the LEGO company . Or maybe, just maybe, it’s a sign from the minifigures, who have claim land in an unknown part of the ocean. MAYBE THIS IS A SIGN TO SHOW THAT THEY’RE REAL!!!….nah.

So, this is one big LEGO mystery that has really intrigued me! Well, tune in next time to see a review of THE BIG ONE

LEGO Review- Botar

Another week brings another review! This time it’s…



Who would have thought id do this? Me, of course. Anyway, this is how I review things. I write the pros, then the cons, my thoughts and a final rating. Now, LET’S RUMBLE!!!!!!




  • Awesome design
  • Suprisingly ballanced on his 2 feet (for a bionicle of his size)

    (Bad) shot of his blades.

    (Bad) shot of his blades.

  • Very tall
  • Poseable jaw
  • Arms stay up very easily
  • Cool hidden blades —->
  • Poseable thumbs
What is this?

What is this?


  • Instructions are very tedious and confusing at times
  • Cannot lift 1 leg a little without it tipping or falling
  • Weapon looks really stupid (and, ironiclly, is the smallest of all of them) <—–

My Thoughts:

I really, REALLY like this guy. Even though I had trouble FINDING the instructions online, his awsome design, suprisingly good balance, poseablity and overall playability make up for that. Although I despise the weapon, I usually just take it off, and then I just use the blades. An overall great set, and definetly one of my favourites.

Vezon: Please have mercy on me! I’ll do anything!
Botar: Naaaaaaaaaaa B.


I give this bionicle a 4.5 out of 5 stars. Why? I don’t like giving out perfect rankings. (And the instructions.) If you have Axonn and Brutaka and you’re looking for a challenge, I definetly recommened you build this big behemoth, Botar!



Oh, and so you don’t have the same problem as I did finding the instructions, here’s a link:

LEGO Review- Vezon and Fenrakk

March break is here, time for another review! THIS time, it’s:



In case you don’t know how I review these, I write the pros, then cons, my thoughts and a rating. But this time, it will be a liitle different. Im going to write the pros and cons for Vezon and Fenrakk seperatly, but do my thoughts and rating on the two together. Why? Because life is mysterious, and I like french fries. Anyway, LETS DO THIS!!!!!







  • Looks awesome
  • Two Faces (one on top of head)
  • Cool tattered cape
  • A big spear (longer than Axonn’s axe!)
Loooong Spear

Loooong Spear


  • Arms have trouble staying up at times
  • Difficult to turn head around (to reveal face)
  • Other face looks dumb
  • Cape gets all folded and weired around the neck sometimes


Hey Man

Hey Man


  • Huge (width wise)
  • Cool leg spikes
  • Has little prongs so Vezon can stand on him
  • Cool Head
  • Moveable Jaw
  • Good colouration


  • Back leg spikes fall off a lot
  • Really short on his four legs (But maybe thats a good thing)
  • Hard to make Fenrakk move his head up and down
  • His head doesn’t move up and down much anyway
  • Instructions are a little hard to follow sometimes
"Gooood Fenrakk! Goood mutant spider of mass destruction!"

“Gooood Fenrakk! Goood mutant spider of mass destruction!”

My Thoughts:

Not only is this a cool set because it’s one of the only ones that has a cape and it’s one of the few ones with a mounted rider, but also the idea is cool. I mean, an insane guy guarding one of the most powerful things on the planet with his giant spider that is virtually indestructable? How can you get any better than that? (Besides the Kardas Dragon, I mean.) I lso like him because both characters use interesting building designs. Have you ever seen a figure with a chestpiece like Vezon? Although some of the pieces fall off, it’s still a good set.


For my personal rating, I’ll give it a 1 out of 5 stars. It–



Ok ok, sheesh. I actually give it a 3.5 out of 5. It’s a very good set and I recommened it to anyone who is looking for it.

Welp, stay tuned next week for another REVIEW! OMG!!

Cool Video- Lego TF2 Figures

Wow. Combining one of my favourite games with my favourite toy to make awesome minifigures? Awesome. dmcgready15, you are officially good. If anyone says “Euugh inAcuRat! INacurat1” or “DDUuuUuUr StikRz R WeiRD Lol BaD” then all I can say is…

…could you do better?

LEGO Review- Brutaka

Well, another month brings another review. Introducing the (not so) gentle giant…



In case you didn’t see the last review, here’s how I do it. I write the pros, cons, my thoughts and a rating. without further ado, let’s get reviewing!

"I kill puny men"

“I kill puny men”


  • Not actual sizeAwesome looking
  • Dual bladed sword—>
  • Very poseable
  • Freakishly tall (below)
  • Cool Mask
  • 4 arms (2 small ones on back)
Height comprison

Height comprison



  • Instructions are confusing at times
  • Sufferes Axonnitis (hard to bend knee’s)
  • Spiky parts beside the breastplate and middle toe are wobbly
  • Not designed to unarm his weapon

My Thoughts:

This is one awesome set. The gold/blue mix was perfect, considering he’s mainly a villian. I mean, gold and blue are usually assosiated with good, right? Anyway, another reason I like him is because of how freakishly huge everything on him is. His torso, legs, feet, sword and even his mask. Even though some parts are wobbly and he’s hard to put together at times, none of it really ruins the overall playability of this set.

For a rating, I’ll give him 4.5 stars. His awesome looks, size, poseibility and playability make him truly worthy of this rating. He’s a definite recommendation to anyone looking for a good Bionicle.

Axonn: ARGH! YOU GOT A BETTER RATING! DIIIE!Brutaka: I deserve it, scrub.

Brutaka: I deserve it, scrub.

Next weeks review: Vezon and Fenrakk! Stay Tuned!