Cool Video- ???



NO Rubberfruit! It’s MY video! (If you don’t get it,

But I DID make a LEGO stop motion video earlier today, and I’d like to share it with all of you!

Since I made it, it wouldn’t really be fair to make a review of it. But YOU can post your opinions about it! Post either here or on youtube. I don’t care. Just remember, It’s my first LEGO stop motion, and I’m not too good, so no really hard critics. It was fun to make, so I might make more.

Well, that’s it for this post. Make sure to stay tuned for more LEGO stuff.

LEGO Universe 2?

Hey, internet. Sorry I haven’t been posting (yet again.) I’ve been really busy for the past few weeks and I’ve finally got the time to post. It’ll be a short one, but it’s better than none at all.

So anyway, do any of you remember LEGO Universe? That fun, MMOG where you got to build, adventure and smash things to smithereens? That was fun. Alas, all good things come to an end. Not enough people were playing the game, they were losing money, and it was shut down. I could sort of tell it was going downhill when they added Free-to-Play, contest after contest after contest and these gimmicks to make people buy membership. (Pets, perks etc.) Obviously, it didn’t work and they shut it down. That didn’t make the community happy… or me 😦

Well, listen to this. Word’s gone out saying a new LEGO MMOG is being released by the company called FunCom. Not much is known about it, rather than it’s NOT LEGO Universe 2 but will revolve around the LEGO Minifigures. So I guess we’ll never find out how the whole Crux thing panned out in the end. But it’s nice to see that we’ll be getting something similar to it in God knows how long. But I for one am looking forward to it.

Well, I’ll see you all later! Stay tuned for more LEGO stuff!


The Biggest LEGO Set Ever…

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to my blog. Now, I bet that some of you wonder, “What is the largest LEGO set ever made?” And I also bet some of you thought “Oh, the largest LEGO set is the Millennium Falcon/Tower Bridge.” BAAAH! Wrong. The real biggest set manufactured by LEGO is the…



Yep, the Jewel of India. I know at first glance it may look like a MOC, but trust me, it isn’t. If you didn’t see, this set has 5922 PIECES!!! I bet none of your sets have half that amount! (I don’t blame you. I don’t either. My biggest set so far had around 800 something pieces, but back to the post.)

This set contains unique (and complicated) building techniques, rare colours, and, get this, 3, 76-PAGE INSTRUCTION MANUALS!!! I can’t believe they recommend this set to people 14+. It’s insane!

Here’s a video showing a time lapse of the building of this massive model. Watch how it gets darker and lighter as it goes on.

That guy dedicated full DAYS of his life to making this breath-taking set! I for one am impressed that he would do something like that without giving up. If I were him, I’d say “India built the Taj Mahal in almost 20 years. I built it in, like, 10 days!”

If I ever got this set, I’d have two questions. One being “How did I get myself into this?” And the second being “Where am I gonna put this monster?” I know it isn’t the longest or tallest, but it’s still pretty darn big.

So now that you know the Taj Mahal is biggest, you may wonder, “Well, where do my bridge and Millennium Falcon rank up?” Well, I believe the Tower Bridge is the longest set, the biggest set made by Jamie Berared, and 3rd biggest set overall. The Millennium Falcon is the biggest Star Wars set and 2nd biggest set overall. Correct me if I’m wrong about any of this.

That wraps up my post about the LEGO Taj Mahal. Stay tuned for my next post.

P.S: Don’t say “I made something MUCH bigger than that thing! You’re dumb!” Actually, no you. I specifically stated the biggest LEGO set “MANUFACTURED BY LEGO.” I’ll bet that there are MOC’s MUCH bigger than Tajjy here. But that’s not the point.

Day 7: It Ends In Fire


Welcome, one and all, to the final day of CUSTOM WEEK! I’ll be showing one of my OWN CREATIONS a’ukoGSFH(SF&PG&WIOY*OSDU*TS:AFI:GUI:ASG&IAU

Sorry. I’m seeing my doctor in a week.

Anyway, it’s a bionicle. (Surprise) He’s my first ever attempt at a MOC titan. Without further ado, here is…



Here he is. My first MOC titan. Inspiration struck when I replaced Onewa’s limbs with Axonn’s. (Note: This WOULD be Onewa, but I have many red parts and not many brown ones.) So anyway, I got the parts, experimented, and voila! Here are some other reasons I like my first titan MOC.

Vakama showing off.

Vakama showing off.

I made sure that it all worked fine (believe it or not, the arms and weapon took about 1 hour to get right. —->

The Arm Mechanic

The Arm Mechanic

And I made sure to make the feet unique.

One foot's black due to not having enough pieces

One foot’s black due to not having enough pieces

I completely abandoned the disc shooter and replaced it with a scythe. (It looks much better)

The Weapon

The Weapon

Height Comparison

Height Comparison

<—He’s definitely taller than normal toa metru.

And finally, he has spheres in his arms that allow you to pose them! Gnarly!

(Yes, I just used the word gnarly in a sentence. Sorry if I’m 2cool4u.)

For a first try, I think he’s pretty good. But he does have his flaws. For example, his right arm is alway’s falling off, and the blade of his weapon doesn’t stay in place. But other than that, I really like this guy!



*Gasp*.... 1 .... *Wheeze*

*Gasp*…. 1 …. *Wheeze*

Well, I hope you enjoyed Custom Week! I know I did. Well, See you next time!!!

Day 5 and 6: The Clock and The Hawk

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I literally had no time. But now, I’m posting something that TELLS TIME! YAY! (This was supposed to be Day 5.)

This amazing clock tells time through Bionicle Zamor Spheres. As you can see, it drops a sphere onto the first rack every minute. This rack represents the single digit minute. After 10 are on the rack, all of them fall of except for 1, whick goes down to the 2 digit minute rack. When that fills up, 1 sphere drops to the hour rack. It’s pretty amazing.It even shows what happenes at midnight! Watch for more details.

Now, for day 6…. uh…. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… ah! Here we go!

LEGO Steven Hawking!

LEGO Steven Hawking!

Yep, some guy actually did this. They made a full kit to make this guy, pieces, instructions, everything, then sold 100 copies on Amazon. I think they’re sold out now, so that,s a shame.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this 21 in 1 post. Make sure to check back tomorrow for the final day. (I’ve got something planned…)

Day 4: Drawnewa: Toa of Graphite

Hello, everyone. Today is special. One, I’m not rushed and two, THIS IS MY FIRST CUSTOM THING TO PUT IN THIS SERIES! OMAOMDAOMODAMOMDAMOSJODAG*FH*GGG*

Sorry about that.

Anyway, I basically put Toa Onewa in a pose, and drew him in the most detail I could. I barley used a ruler, and it’s not exactly Picasso, but… here we go!



Sorry about the thing cut off at the end. My printer is stupid. Many people might think this is bad, but I put a lot of effort into this. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever drawn. Although it’s not the best, it’s pretty dang cool.


Sorry, once again. I really need to get that checked out.

As I was saying, all you have to do is vote for what I should draw next! You’re options are:

So vote! Vote!! VOTE!!! YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!!!!

Day 3: The Big Red Behemoth

Welcome all to day 3! I’m in a bit of a rush, so this won’t be a long post. (Well, none of them are really uber long.)  Well, without further ado, here is the gargantuan biomech, EZIREK!

Credit to ToaOrkahm for making this awesome MOC! (My Own Creation.) Also, check the decription of the video for details on stats, story etc.

Well, I’m afraid that’s all for today. Tomorrow, I’ll DEFINITELY be showing something of my own. And as always: Stay Tuned!

P.S: I apologize for the really bad metal music in the background. Mute it if you want. Also, I started at 0:38 because that’s when the pictures of the bionicle itself.

Day 2: With more bricks comes Mordor.

If you like Lord of the Rings and like LEGO, you’ll LOVE this. The great, mighty…



Yup. I couldn’t believe it was at first either. It’s quite amazing. He got it down to every exact detail.

Look at all the detail put into it!

Look at all the detail put into it!

Over 50,000 blocks are in this work of art. That’ll keep the hobbit out!

And if all that wasn’t enough, it’s extremely tall.

I'd say that model is about 6 feet tall. what about you?

I’d say that model is about 6 feet tall. what about you?

Look at it compared to the creator! ——>

Anyway, That wraps up day 2! I might put in my own piece of work tomorrow or the day after. Remember to stay tuned for more LEGO shenanigans!

Day 1: The LEGO Knight Rises

Here it is. The first day of Custom Week. AND I’M STARTING WITH A CONCLUSION!!! (mind=blown.) Yes, it is the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises in LEGO. It’s pretty amazing. Watch and see.

Told you! The animation was smooth, He actually animated the minifigures mouths, and he actually got it scene for scene. I’m not joking. If you watch both side by side they look exactly alike. Amazing, right?

Well, that concludes day 1, but there is 6 more days of blocky goodness down the road! Stay tuned!