Day 7: It Ends In Fire


Welcome, one and all, to the final day of CUSTOM WEEK! I’ll be showing one of my OWN CREATIONS a’ukoGSFH(SF&PG&WIOY*OSDU*TS:AFI:GUI:ASG&IAU

Sorry. I’m seeing my doctor in a week.

Anyway, it’s a bionicle. (Surprise) He’s my first ever attempt at a MOC titan. Without further ado, here is…



Here he is. My first MOC titan. Inspiration struck when I replaced Onewa’s limbs with Axonn’s. (Note: This WOULD be Onewa, but I have many red parts and not many brown ones.) So anyway, I got the parts, experimented, and voila! Here are some other reasons I like my first titan MOC.

Vakama showing off.

Vakama showing off.

I made sure that it all worked fine (believe it or not, the arms and weapon took about 1 hour to get right. —->

The Arm Mechanic

The Arm Mechanic

And I made sure to make the feet unique.

One foot's black due to not having enough pieces

One foot’s black due to not having enough pieces

I completely abandoned the disc shooter and replaced it with a scythe. (It looks much better)

The Weapon

The Weapon

Height Comparison

Height Comparison

<—He’s definitely taller than normal toa metru.

And finally, he has spheres in his arms that allow you to pose them! Gnarly!

(Yes, I just used the word gnarly in a sentence. Sorry if I’m 2cool4u.)

For a first try, I think he’s pretty good. But he does have his flaws. For example, his right arm is alway’s falling off, and the blade of his weapon doesn’t stay in place. But other than that, I really like this guy!



*Gasp*.... 1 .... *Wheeze*

*Gasp*…. 1 …. *Wheeze*

Well, I hope you enjoyed Custom Week! I know I did. Well, See you next time!!!

LEGO Review- Botar

Another week brings another review! This time it’s…



Who would have thought id do this? Me, of course. Anyway, this is how I review things. I write the pros, then the cons, my thoughts and a final rating. Now, LET’S RUMBLE!!!!!!




  • Awesome design
  • Suprisingly ballanced on his 2 feet (for a bionicle of his size)

    (Bad) shot of his blades.

    (Bad) shot of his blades.

  • Very tall
  • Poseable jaw
  • Arms stay up very easily
  • Cool hidden blades —->
  • Poseable thumbs
What is this?

What is this?


  • Instructions are very tedious and confusing at times
  • Cannot lift 1 leg a little without it tipping or falling
  • Weapon looks really stupid (and, ironiclly, is the smallest of all of them) <—–

My Thoughts:

I really, REALLY like this guy. Even though I had trouble FINDING the instructions online, his awsome design, suprisingly good balance, poseablity and overall playability make up for that. Although I despise the weapon, I usually just take it off, and then I just use the blades. An overall great set, and definetly one of my favourites.

Vezon: Please have mercy on me! I’ll do anything!
Botar: Naaaaaaaaaaa B.


I give this bionicle a 4.5 out of 5 stars. Why? I don’t like giving out perfect rankings. (And the instructions.) If you have Axonn and Brutaka and you’re looking for a challenge, I definetly recommened you build this big behemoth, Botar!



Oh, and so you don’t have the same problem as I did finding the instructions, here’s a link:

Cool Video- Lego TF2 Figures

Wow. Combining one of my favourite games with my favourite toy to make awesome minifigures? Awesome. dmcgready15, you are officially good. If anyone says “Euugh inAcuRat! INacurat1” or “DDUuuUuUr StikRz R WeiRD Lol BaD” then all I can say is…

…could you do better?

Hello World!

Greetings to whoever’s out there! I am the owner of this blog, and I’m happy to be posting here. I’ll be posting here whenever I feel like it. I’ll post LEGO product reviews, my own LEGO experienses and awesome, custom LEGO models\stopmotions. Feel free to post, but no rage comments, swear words, or anything inappropriate. It will NOT be posted. I hope you enjoy my blog!

-P.S. This is probably the only post that isn’t about LEGO. Good day.