LEGO Universe 2?

Hey, internet. Sorry I haven’t been posting (yet again.) I’ve been really busy for the past few weeks and I’ve finally got the time to post. It’ll be a short one, but it’s better than none at all.

So anyway, do any of you remember LEGO Universe? That fun, MMOG where you got to build, adventure and smash things to smithereens? That was fun. Alas, all good things come to an end. Not enough people were playing the game, they were losing money, and it was shut down. I could sort of tell it was going downhill when they added Free-to-Play, contest after contest after contest and these gimmicks to make people buy membership. (Pets, perks etc.) Obviously, it didn’t work and they shut it down. That didn’t make the community happy… or me 😦

Well, listen to this. Word’s gone out saying a new LEGO MMOG is being released by the company called FunCom. Not much is known about it, rather than it’s NOT LEGO Universe 2 but will revolve around the LEGO Minifigures. So I guess we’ll never find out how the whole Crux thing panned out in the end. But it’s nice to see that we’ll be getting something similar to it in God knows how long. But I for one am looking forward to it.

Well, I’ll see you all later! Stay tuned for more LEGO stuff!
