The Biggest LEGO Set Ever…

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to my blog. Now, I bet that some of you wonder, “What is the largest LEGO set ever made?” And I also bet some of you thought “Oh, the largest LEGO set is the Millennium Falcon/Tower Bridge.” BAAAH! Wrong. The real biggest set manufactured by LEGO is the…



Yep, the Jewel of India. I know at first glance it may look like a MOC, but trust me, it isn’t. If you didn’t see, this set has 5922 PIECES!!! I bet none of your sets have half that amount! (I don’t blame you. I don’t either. My biggest set so far had around 800 something pieces, but back to the post.)

This set contains unique (and complicated) building techniques, rare colours, and, get this, 3, 76-PAGE INSTRUCTION MANUALS!!! I can’t believe they recommend this set to people 14+. It’s insane!

Here’s a video showing a time lapse of the building of this massive model. Watch how it gets darker and lighter as it goes on.

That guy dedicated full DAYS of his life to making this breath-taking set! I for one am impressed that he would do something like that without giving up. If I were him, I’d say “India built the Taj Mahal in almost 20 years. I built it in, like, 10 days!”

If I ever got this set, I’d have two questions. One being “How did I get myself into this?” And the second being “Where am I gonna put this monster?” I know it isn’t the longest or tallest, but it’s still pretty darn big.

So now that you know the Taj Mahal is biggest, you may wonder, “Well, where do my bridge and Millennium Falcon rank up?” Well, I believe the Tower Bridge is the longest set, the biggest set made by Jamie Berared, and 3rd biggest set overall. The Millennium Falcon is the biggest Star Wars set and 2nd biggest set overall. Correct me if I’m wrong about any of this.

That wraps up my post about the LEGO Taj Mahal. Stay tuned for my next post.

P.S: Don’t say “I made something MUCH bigger than that thing! You’re dumb!” Actually, no you. I specifically stated the biggest LEGO set “MANUFACTURED BY LEGO.” I’ll bet that there are MOC’s MUCH bigger than Tajjy here. But that’s not the point.

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