Day 5 and 6: The Clock and The Hawk

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I literally had no time. But now, I’m posting something that TELLS TIME! YAY! (This was supposed to be Day 5.)

This amazing clock tells time through Bionicle Zamor Spheres. As you can see, it drops a sphere onto the first rack every minute. This rack represents the single digit minute. After 10 are on the rack, all of them fall of except for 1, whick goes down to the 2 digit minute rack. When that fills up, 1 sphere drops to the hour rack. It’s pretty amazing.It even shows what happenes at midnight! Watch for more details.

Now, for day 6…. uh…. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… ah! Here we go!

LEGO Steven Hawking!

LEGO Steven Hawking!

Yep, some guy actually did this. They made a full kit to make this guy, pieces, instructions, everything, then sold 100 copies on Amazon. I think they’re sold out now, so that,s a shame.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this 21 in 1 post. Make sure to check back tomorrow for the final day. (I’ve got something planned…)

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