Cool Video – 8 Bit Trip

Here’s a cool video by Rymdreglage, one of the best LEGO animators I’ve seen. After more than 1500 hours (over 2 months!) of picture taking, it was definetly worth the time and effort that was put into it. It was cool how he could get the animation so smooth and fit the videogame aspect in so well. I saw this video when I was new to Youtube, and it’s one of my favourite ones to date.

Well anyway, stay tuned for more LEGO stuff!

Bionicle Bloodbath!

My brother and I decided to put some of my Bionicle on my bed and make them fight a huge, free for all, fight to the death battle. The only rule was if their head comes off, they are DEAD. so the can be a torso with no armour whatsoever, but have a head, they’re alive. Now, here are the gladiators:

The Gladiators from Afar.

The Gladiators from Afar.


(From Left to Right) Toa Matau (aka Brent) HF Voltix (aka The Proffesor)

Axonn (aka Frank) Toa Onewa (aka Samuel)

Axonn (aka Frank) Toa Onewa (aka Samuel)

HF Toxic Reapa (aka Gordon) Toa Vakama (aka Trevor)

HF Toxic Reapa (aka Gordon) Toa Vakama (aka Trevor)

Tormented Training Dummy (aka King FrostTooth) TurGuurahk (aka Christmas Raptor)

Tormented Training Dummy (aka King FrostTooth) LeraTurahk (aka Christmas Raptor)

Now that you’ve met the fighters, its time to see THE AFTERMATH:

Full Aftermath

Full Aftermath

Zoom In 1

Zoom In 1

Zoom In 2

Zoom In 2

And the winner:

Toa Matau! (Brent)

Toa Matau! (Brent)

After a bloody and well fought battle, Toa Matau (Brent) came out on top. Missing his arms, but still a brave hearted warrior.

Ranking list:

  1. Toa Matau (Brent)
  2. Axonn (Frank)
  3. Tormented Training Dummy (King FrostTooth)
  4. TurGuurahk (Christmas Raptor)
  5. Voltix (The Professor)
  6. Toa Vakama (Trevor)
  7. Toxic Reapa (Gordon)
  8. Toa Onewa (Samuel)

Well, thats that. Stay tuned for more LEGO shenanigans.

Bionicle Review- Axonn

Well, I said I would review them, and I am. Starting with…



Now, before I start, I should probably tell you how I’m going to do my reviews. It’s quite simple: I write the pros down, then the cons, my thoughts and then a rating. Now, to the good part





Not actual size

– Tall
– Relatively easy to build
– Looks Awesome
– Sturdy
– Well Balanced
-<— A freaking huge axe
– Cool Mask


– Axe arms sometimes has trouble staying up
– VERY hard to bend knee’s
– Even though you can pose them, his fingers give very little poseablility

My Thoughts:

I personally love this set. He looks awesome, has a huge (but not too huge) weapon that looks good, and he’s quite sturdy compared to other titans. I can look over the fact his knee’s can’t bend very well, and some other parts dont give very good poseability. All in all, he’s a great set and definitely one to remember.

For an overall rating, I’ll give it 4/5 stars. He was definitely worth my time and money. If your looking to buy him, but your not to sure, I would recommend him.

Next week: Brutaka! Stay tuned!

From Crammed Office to Dream Job

Recently there has been much talk of Graeme Dymond, who won a contest to be a full time LEGO master builder. He will be working in a new LEGOLAND Discovery Center opening in Toronto. Considering the description in the article, he seems perfect for the job. I, for one, am both happy for him and jealous. It must be very exciting to get out of a boring job as a consultant to play with LEGO and get paid for it.`

Well, those are my words on that article. Those sets I spoke of earlier came in, so stay tuned for my reviews! 🙂


Hello World!

Greetings to whoever’s out there! I am the owner of this blog, and I’m happy to be posting here. I’ll be posting here whenever I feel like it. I’ll post LEGO product reviews, my own LEGO experienses and awesome, custom LEGO models\stopmotions. Feel free to post, but no rage comments, swear words, or anything inappropriate. It will NOT be posted. I hope you enjoy my blog!

-P.S. This is probably the only post that isn’t about LEGO. Good day.